Wild West Extravaganza

Mildly Disappointed

Only dissatisfaction or disappointment you will have with this podcast is when you find out the host is named Josh and not Danny McBride. In fact, after listening to 10 or so stories I developed an untapped admiration for Danny’s love for Wild West history in addition to his Oscar worthy performances. When that bubble popped I kept that admiration for Josh and forgot about Ol’ Kenny Powers.

In all seriousness Josh does an excellent job of researching his stories and keeping the a clear line between the tall tales and fact. The stories about these characters are mostly unknown to me, except the big names of course. Josh does a great job of introducing the character’s background and high points of his life, leaving the listener so interested that I have found myself researching these people myself. I would rate this podcast with more stars if I could.

July 12, 2023 by Nate2503 on Apple Podcasts

Wild West Extravaganza