
Jan. 4, 2021

Frank Hamer's First Fight

It’s not every day that your boss offers you a hundred and fifty dollars to murder somebody. I think we can all agree that’s not a normal occurrence. But then again, the tough kid wasn’t normal. The real story behind legenda…
Dec. 27, 2020

Bill Tilghman | Frontier Lawman

Bill Tilghman - the legendary lawman best known for hunting down bad guys in Indian Territory - got his start as a teenaged buffalo hunter on the Kansas frontier. After that he spent years patrolling the tough streets of Dod…
Dec. 13, 2020

Frank James | The Old Shoe Salesman

The old shoe salesman wasn’t as spry as he used to be. A fact his aching and crackling joints made abundantly clear to him each and every morning when he climbed up out of bed. But he found that once he got a few cups of str…
Nov. 29, 2020

Medicine Crow | War Chief

Joe Medicine Crow was a mighty war chief amongst his people, the Crow. The Apsáalooke. The Children of the large beak bird. Joe was raised in the traditional way of the Crow and fulfilled all four requirements to become a Wa…
Nov. 12, 2020

Ned Christie | Indian Outlaw

Ned Christie: Ruthless Cherokee outlaw or courageous hero? Murderer or innocent man? If someone had asked me a year ago who Ned Christie was, I’d have probably said he was just another Indian Territory outlaw. In the same ve…
Oct. 24, 2020

Luke Short & The Dodge City War

In the spring of 1883, a group of very dangerous men began gathering outside of Dodge City, Kansas. Men with names like Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, Shotgun Collins, and Doc Holliday. Killers, all of ‘em. Men familiar with the…
Sept. 30, 2020

Judge Roy Bean | The Law West of the Pecos

When one thinks of the great judges of Yore, certain names stand out above the rest. Names like Judge Harold T. Stone. Judge Judith Sheindlin. Judges Wapner, Mathis, and Joe Brown. Judge Reinhold, Judge Dredd and Mike Judge …
Aug. 25, 2020

Black Bart | The Poet Bandit

I've labored long and hard for bread, For honor, and for riches, But on my corns too long you've tread, You fine-haired sons of bitches. These are the words of Black Bart, the gentleman bandit who preferred to leave poems at…
Aug. 5, 2020

King Fisher | Addendum

<p>A quick correction and new info pertaining to my most recent episode - #30 - on King Fisher.</p> <p>Check out Bob Boze Bell's wonderful article for more information. And thank you all for listening!</p> ...
Aug. 5, 2020

King Fisher | Texas Shootist

King Fisher, the flashy Texas wild west gunfighter who once killed a circus tiger just so he could make chaps out of its hide, boasted that he killed 37 men, not counting Mexicans. During his time as an outlaw he had over 10…
July 18, 2020

Captain Jonathan R. Davis | A Deadly Man

On the 19th of December 1854 Captain Jonathan R. Davis and two of his companions were ambushed by a gang of murderous thieves. During the short battle that ensued, Davis was able to single-handedly kill all 11 attackers. Car…
July 2, 2020

Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh

Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh was an old west outlaw who some say taught Doc Holliday how to shoot in addition to being the only man that Billy The Kid ever feared. He was hunted by Wyatt Earp and arrested by both Bat...